Points to consider for Brahmin


Points to consider for Brahmin

Read, study, and spread this message among Brahmin. Points to consider for Brahmin 
1) Patriotism: In a socially diffused country like India; where every social group is involved in selfish agenda; patriotism by Brahmin, who are victims of hatred, persecution and discrimination on ethnic ground is waste of energy and diversion from problem of Brahmin themselves. So far so many Brahmin sacrificed their family welfare, property and lives for this cause, what Brahmin got in return? A must ask question to himself by every Brahmin. Not even equal citizenship.
2) Hindutva: political agenda of hindutva political parties now these days is not different from congress. All parties including BJP are supporting caste based discrimination and reservations. Because of hindutva Brahmin are labeled as castist and hostile to other religion by some powers vary articulately, cunningly. Brahmin are thus making themselves victim and disqualified in politics of this country. Increasing enemies.
One another question is; are non Brahmin hindus really concerned about hindutva? , in my view their priorities are totally different and hindutva is the last thing of concern for them. No one will be ready to sacrifice their reservations for sake of Hinduism. So shouting for an empty cause again by the micro minority community like Brahmin is a big joke and wasting of energy, which can be utilized in self up gradation, organization, brotherhood, development of Brahmin.
Hindutva parties are a good ladder for all minority non Brahmin caste to power. Brahmin becomes bonded labors in this business.
So, dharma and hidutva, in private, individual sphere only; not in public sphere. Chant mantras, read Vedas in homes, do not involve in futile business of dharmaraksha, darmajagaran etc. No more energy waste and enmity with other communities. We have a lot of enemies among hindus itself. Let those do it who get something from that. Concentration on problems of Brahmin only. It is call of time.
3) Samajseva (social service for others): again a must ask question what Brahmin got in return or fruit of the social service?( A lot many Brahmin done enormous social service In every field of life, for non Brahmin community, sacrificing own physical, mental health, family welfare, properties and much more). ANS: Ingratitude, hatred, discrimination, secondary citizen like conditions. All who benefitted from Brahmin social service finally become anti Brahmin and forget the help Brahmin given to them in their bad days.(someone will argue this is human nature but here an agenda is going against a particular ethnic group namely Brahmin collectively so the answer necessitates this discretion)
We have not taken contract of the Deshbhakti( patriotism), samajseva(social sevice), hindutva.
4) Self imposed one child policy: this policy is making Brahmin community a paralyzed and mentally collectively weak community. Single children tend to be more delicate in nature. Secondly one child from two individuals means reducing numbers by half. Consequently, decline in number and weakness. 
5) Caste no bar (in marriages esp. by girls): why cast no bar in marriages, when caste is a bar (being Brahmin a lot of boys and girls are kept away from opportunity by reservations) in every competitive exam, employment, education. Inter caste marriages is an indirect supporting, help and ratification of hatred and discrimination against Brahmin. It is cancer from inside.
6) Denial of physical labor work and agricultural work: a man or women who is not able to produce his food and blacken his hands for survival is not worthy to live life (a notion taken in mass and not intended for individuals) naturally who do physical type of work tend to be more vigorous and more worthy of living a life of struggle. Among Brahmin, profession demanding physical labor is like a taboo. It must be changed.
7) Exclusivity, void intellectualism, over liberalism, ornamental, artificial, long stretched speaking (forgetting content and substance, poetic approach to problems which Brahmin community is facing): this makes task of welfare and safety of Brahmin community more difficult. So there is high quality software available but no hardware to implement the ideas itself. World quality architects, and no masons and workers available... So involve in even minor events of community, with physical service. 
8)Absence of pragmatic approach: an old psyche to deal with today’s problems. Most important

have become cross breeding farms. Where male are picked from non Brahmin caste and female necessarily are Brahmin) 3.Secondly absence of deterrence is another cause i.e. if a Brahmin girl marries to boy of another community, possibility of violent reaction against the couple is very less. Third, the acceptance shown by our community towards such couples is unfortunately giving rise to such marriages. Acceptance is approval in these matters. Violence is not a solution, indoctrination right from childhood. Strong convictions of superiority of our caste and need to maintain and preserve it, Intolerance of such acts; these are the important solutions.
4. Except Brahmin, all communities practiced female foeticide with help of sonography technology. Consequently the number of females (gender ratio) in their community decreased drastically. They are trying to fill the gap by marrying Brahmin girls. Inter caste marriage of Brahmin girls to non Brahmin boys is ratification and help to their inhuman act of female foeticide.
5. Inter caste marriages of Brahmin girls with other caste is an indirect ratification of hatred against Brahmin, a help to non Brahmin in persecution of Brahmin. Like a prize/trophy for antibrahminism a memento of victory.
It is a cancer killing Brahmin community from inside. It is a silent ethnic cleansing.
No animal on earth accepts the crossbreeding.


have become cross breeding farms. Where male are picked from non Brahmin caste and female necessarily are Brahmin) 3.Secondly absence of deterrence is another cause i.e. if a Brahmin girl marries to boy of another community, possibility of violent reaction against the couple is very less. Third, the acceptance shown by our community towards such couples is unfortunately giving rise to such marriages. Acceptance is approval in these matters. Violence is not a solution, indoctrination right from childhood. Strong convictions of superiority of our caste and need to maintain and preserve it, Intolerance of such acts; these are the important solutions.
4. Except Brahmin, all communities practiced female foeticide with help of sonography technology. Consequently the number of females (gender ratio) in their community decreased drastically. They are trying to fill the gap by marrying Brahmin girls. Inter caste marriage of Brahmin girls to non Brahmin boys is ratification and help to their inhuman act of female foeticide.
5. Inter caste marriages of Brahmin girls with other caste is an indirect ratification of hatred against Brahmin, a help to non Brahmin in persecution of Brahmin. Like a prize/trophy for antibrahminism a memento of victory.
It is a cancer killing Brahmin community from inside. It is a silent ethnic cleansing.
No animal on earth accepts the crossbreeding.



Tags: shri gaur brahman mahasabha bikaner have become cross breeding farms. where male ar 

Blog Archive

Points to consider for Brahmin


Points to consider for Brahmin

Read, study, and spread this message among Brahmin. Points to consider for Brahmin 
1) Patriotism: In a socially diffused country like India; where every social group is involved in selfish agenda; patriotism by Brahmin, who are victims of hatred, persecution and discrimination on ethnic ground is waste of energy and diversion from problem of Brahmin themselves. So far so many Brahmin sacrificed their family welfare, property and lives for this cause, what Brahmin got in return? A must ask question to himself by every Brahmin. Not even equal citizenship.
2) Hindutva: political agenda of hindutva political parties now these days is not different from congress. All parties including BJP are supporting caste based discrimination and reservations. Because of hindutva Brahmin are labeled as castist and hostile to other religion by some powers vary articulately, cunningly. Brahmin are thus making themselves victim and disqualified in politics of this country. Increasing enemies.
One another question is; are non Brahmin hindus really concerned about hindutva? , in my view their priorities are totally different and hindutva is the last thing of concern for them. No one will be ready to sacrifice their reservations for sake of Hinduism. So shouting for an empty cause again by the micro minority community like Brahmin is a big joke and wasting of energy, which can be utilized in self up gradation, organization, brotherhood, development of Brahmin.
Hindutva parties are a good ladder for all minority non Brahmin caste to power. Brahmin becomes bonded labors in this business.
So, dharma and hidutva, in private, individual sphere only; not in public sphere. Chant mantras, read Vedas in homes, do not involve in futile business of dharmaraksha, darmajagaran etc. No more energy waste and enmity with other communities. We have a lot of enemies among hindus itself. Let those do it who get something from that. Concentration on problems of Brahmin only. It is call of time.
3) Samajseva (social service for others): again a must ask question what Brahmin got in return or fruit of the social service?( A lot many Brahmin done enormous social service In every field of life, for non Brahmin community, sacrificing own physical, mental health, family welfare, properties and much more). ANS: Ingratitude, hatred, discrimination, secondary citizen like conditions. All who benefitted from Brahmin social service finally become anti Brahmin and forget the help Brahmin given to them in their bad days.(someone will argue this is human nature but here an agenda is going against a particular ethnic group namely Brahmin collectively so the answer necessitates this discretion)
We have not taken contract of the Deshbhakti( patriotism), samajseva(social sevice), hindutva.
4) Self imposed one child policy: this policy is making Brahmin community a paralyzed and mentally collectively weak community. Single children tend to be more delicate in nature. Secondly one child from two individuals means reducing numbers by half. Consequently, decline in number and weakness. 
5) Caste no bar (in marriages esp. by girls): why cast no bar in marriages, when caste is a bar (being Brahmin a lot of boys and girls are kept away from opportunity by reservations) in every competitive exam, employment, education. Inter caste marriages is an indirect supporting, help and ratification of hatred and discrimination against Brahmin. It is cancer from inside.
6) Denial of physical labor work and agricultural work: a man or women who is not able to produce his food and blacken his hands for survival is not worthy to live life (a notion taken in mass and not intended for individuals) naturally who do physical type of work tend to be more vigorous and more worthy of living a life of struggle. Among Brahmin, profession demanding physical labor is like a taboo. It must be changed.
7) Exclusivity, void intellectualism, over liberalism, ornamental, artificial, long stretched speaking (forgetting content and substance, poetic approach to problems which Brahmin community is facing): this makes task of welfare and safety of Brahmin community more difficult. So there is high quality software available but no hardware to implement the ideas itself. World quality architects, and no masons and workers available... So involve in even minor events of community, with physical service. 
8)Absence of pragmatic approach: an old psyche to deal with today’s problems. Most important

have become cross breeding farms. Where male are picked from non Brahmin caste and female necessarily are Brahmin) 3.Secondly absence of deterrence is another cause i.e. if a Brahmin girl marries to boy of another community, possibility of violent reaction against the couple is very less. Third, the acceptance shown by our community towards such couples is unfortunately giving rise to such marriages. Acceptance is approval in these matters. Violence is not a solution, indoctrination right from childhood. Strong convictions of superiority of our caste and need to maintain and preserve it, Intolerance of such acts; these are the important solutions.
4. Except Brahmin, all communities practiced female foeticide with help of sonography technology. Consequently the number of females (gender ratio) in their community decreased drastically. They are trying to fill the gap by marrying Brahmin girls. Inter caste marriage of Brahmin girls to non Brahmin boys is ratification and help to their inhuman act of female foeticide.
5. Inter caste marriages of Brahmin girls with other caste is an indirect ratification of hatred against Brahmin, a help to non Brahmin in persecution of Brahmin. Like a prize/trophy for antibrahminism a memento of victory.
It is a cancer killing Brahmin community from inside. It is a silent ethnic cleansing.
No animal on earth accepts the crossbreeding.


have become cross breeding farms. Where male are picked from non Brahmin caste and female necessarily are Brahmin) 3.Secondly absence of deterrence is another cause i.e. if a Brahmin girl marries to boy of another community, possibility of violent reaction against the couple is very less. Third, the acceptance shown by our community towards such couples is unfortunately giving rise to such marriages. Acceptance is approval in these matters. Violence is not a solution, indoctrination right from childhood. Strong convictions of superiority of our caste and need to maintain and preserve it, Intolerance of such acts; these are the important solutions.
4. Except Brahmin, all communities practiced female foeticide with help of sonography technology. Consequently the number of females (gender ratio) in their community decreased drastically. They are trying to fill the gap by marrying Brahmin girls. Inter caste marriage of Brahmin girls to non Brahmin boys is ratification and help to their inhuman act of female foeticide.
5. Inter caste marriages of Brahmin girls with other caste is an indirect ratification of hatred against Brahmin, a help to non Brahmin in persecution of Brahmin. Like a prize/trophy for antibrahminism a memento of victory.
It is a cancer killing Brahmin community from inside. It is a silent ethnic cleansing.
No animal on earth accepts the crossbreeding.



Tags: shri gaur brahman mahasabha bikaner have become cross breeding farms. where male ar 

Points to consider for Brahmin


Points to consider for Brahmin

Read, study, and spread this message among Brahmin. Points to consider for Brahmin 
1) Patriotism: In a socially diffused country like India; where every social group is involved in selfish agenda; patriotism by Brahmin, who are victims of hatred, persecution and discrimination on ethnic ground is waste of energy and diversion from problem of Brahmin themselves. So far so many Brahmin sacrificed their family welfare, property and lives for this cause, what Brahmin got in return? A must ask question to himself by every Brahmin. Not even equal citizenship.
2) Hindutva: political agenda of hindutva political parties now these days is not different from congress. All parties including BJP are supporting caste based discrimination and reservations. Because of hindutva Brahmin are labeled as castist and hostile to other religion by some powers vary articulately, cunningly. Brahmin are thus making themselves victim and disqualified in politics of this country. Increasing enemies.
One another question is; are non Brahmin hindus really concerned about hindutva? , in my view their priorities are totally different and hindutva is the last thing of concern for them. No one will be ready to sacrifice their reservations for sake of Hinduism. So shouting for an empty cause again by the micro minority community like Brahmin is a big joke and wasting of energy, which can be utilized in self up gradation, organization, brotherhood, development of Brahmin.
Hindutva parties are a good ladder for all minority non Brahmin caste to power. Brahmin becomes bonded labors in this business.
So, dharma and hidutva, in private, individual sphere only; not in public sphere. Chant mantras, read Vedas in homes, do not involve in futile business of dharmaraksha, darmajagaran etc. No more energy waste and enmity with other communities. We have a lot of enemies among hindus itself. Let those do it who get something from that. Concentration on problems of Brahmin only. It is call of time.
3) Samajseva (social service for others): again a must ask question what Brahmin got in return or fruit of the social service?( A lot many Brahmin done enormous social service In every field of life, for non Brahmin community, sacrificing own physical, mental health, family welfare, properties and much more). ANS: Ingratitude, hatred, discrimination, secondary citizen like conditions. All who benefitted from Brahmin social service finally become anti Brahmin and forget the help Brahmin given to them in their bad days.(someone will argue this is human nature but here an agenda is going against a particular ethnic group namely Brahmin collectively so the answer necessitates this discretion)
We have not taken contract of the Deshbhakti( patriotism), samajseva(social sevice), hindutva.
4) Self imposed one child policy: this policy is making Brahmin community a paralyzed and mentally collectively weak community. Single children tend to be more delicate in nature. Secondly one child from two individuals means reducing numbers by half. Consequently, decline in number and weakness. 
5) Caste no bar (in marriages esp. by girls): why cast no bar in marriages, when caste is a bar (being Brahmin a lot of boys and girls are kept away from opportunity by reservations) in every competitive exam, employment, education. Inter caste marriages is an indirect supporting, help and ratification of hatred and discrimination against Brahmin. It is cancer from inside.
6) Denial of physical labor work and agricultural work: a man or women who is not able to produce his food and blacken his hands for survival is not worthy to live life (a notion taken in mass and not intended for individuals) naturally who do physical type of work tend to be more vigorous and more worthy of living a life of struggle. Among Brahmin, profession demanding physical labor is like a taboo. It must be changed.
7) Exclusivity, void intellectualism, over liberalism, ornamental, artificial, long stretched speaking (forgetting content and substance, poetic approach to problems which Brahmin community is facing): this makes task of welfare and safety of Brahmin community more difficult. So there is high quality software available but no hardware to implement the ideas itself. World quality architects, and no masons and workers available... So involve in even minor events of community, with physical service. 
8)Absence of pragmatic approach: an old psyche to deal with today’s problems. Most important

have become cross breeding farms. Where male are picked from non Brahmin caste and female necessarily are Brahmin) 3.Secondly absence of deterrence is another cause i.e. if a Brahmin girl marries to boy of another community, possibility of violent reaction against the couple is very less. Third, the acceptance shown by our community towards such couples is unfortunately giving rise to such marriages. Acceptance is approval in these matters. Violence is not a solution, indoctrination right from childhood. Strong convictions of superiority of our caste and need to maintain and preserve it, Intolerance of such acts; these are the important solutions.
4. Except Brahmin, all communities practiced female foeticide with help of sonography technology. Consequently the number of females (gender ratio) in their community decreased drastically. They are trying to fill the gap by marrying Brahmin girls. Inter caste marriage of Brahmin girls to non Brahmin boys is ratification and help to their inhuman act of female foeticide.
5. Inter caste marriages of Brahmin girls with other caste is an indirect ratification of hatred against Brahmin, a help to non Brahmin in persecution of Brahmin. Like a prize/trophy for antibrahminism a memento of victory.
It is a cancer killing Brahmin community from inside. It is a silent ethnic cleansing.
No animal on earth accepts the crossbreeding.


have become cross breeding farms. Where male are picked from non Brahmin caste and female necessarily are Brahmin) 3.Secondly absence of deterrence is another cause i.e. if a Brahmin girl marries to boy of another community, possibility of violent reaction against the couple is very less. Third, the acceptance shown by our community towards such couples is unfortunately giving rise to such marriages. Acceptance is approval in these matters. Violence is not a solution, indoctrination right from childhood. Strong convictions of superiority of our caste and need to maintain and preserve it, Intolerance of such acts; these are the important solutions.
4. Except Brahmin, all communities practiced female foeticide with help of sonography technology. Consequently the number of females (gender ratio) in their community decreased drastically. They are trying to fill the gap by marrying Brahmin girls. Inter caste marriage of Brahmin girls to non Brahmin boys is ratification and help to their inhuman act of female foeticide.
5. Inter caste marriages of Brahmin girls with other caste is an indirect ratification of hatred against Brahmin, a help to non Brahmin in persecution of Brahmin. Like a prize/trophy for antibrahminism a memento of victory.
It is a cancer killing Brahmin community from inside. It is a silent ethnic cleansing.
No animal on earth accepts the crossbreeding.



Tags: shri gaur brahman mahasabha bikaner have become cross breeding farms. where male ar 

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